The Kargadur site is located on the southeast shore of the Istrian peninsula, not far from the settlement of Ližnjan.
It yielded preserved remains of human activity from the Early Neolithic, Middle Neolithic and the Copper Age. It was discovered in the year 2000 during an archaeological survey of southern Istria.
It is hypothesised that the site once covered over three thousand square metres, but that most has been destroyed by the erosive action of the sea. Numerous features were identified during the excavation – pits, drystone structures, accumulations of pebbles, and graves.
The excavation yielded numerous archaeological finds: a very large quantity of pottery, flint, bone tools, animal bones and the remnants of plants. Particularly noteworthy are the finds of hooks, obsidian, rhyton cult vessels and pendants fabricated from marine shells and snails.
Izvor: Komšo, D. (2017.): Blago iz dubina. Spondylus gaederopus – najdragocjeniji nakit neolitičke Europe, Arheološki muzej Istre, Pula