Nezakcij is the most important archaeological site in the entire Istrian peninsula. The large and massive fort of Nezakcij was formed in the Bronze Age.
It was the Histrian capital and political and religious center of a tribal alliance of Histrians. In 177 B.C. a decisive battle between the Romans (numerically superior) and Histrians took place. To escape enemy hands, Epulon (king of Histrians), allegedly, threw himself on the sword and died. His soldiers followed his example. After the Roman conquest Nezakcij became a military reconnaissance stations on the road that from Pula, passing through Ližnjan, led to Labin and Liburnia. Findings presented in the light of day derived from the period between the eleventh and seventh century B.C. A necropolis, city walls and the foundation trench are preserved from the pre-historic period., The forum, baths, roads, water, doors and the remains of three temples belong to the Roman period. It is easy to distinguish the ruins of two large basilicaa, rectangular and parallel, early-Christian (5th century). There is a small is a small museum on the site. Most of the findings (urns, vases, oil-lamps, ceramics, glass lacrimarium) is kept at the Archaeological Museum in Pula. Among the findings there are items produced in Greece and Apulia.