The bay of Kuje (Cuvi) in Ližnjan has been an ideal place for mooring boats and ships probably since prehistoric times.

It was a very important stop for the boats navigating through Kvarner before modern navigation, surrounded by scattered maritime sites, some of which bear witness to shipwrecks. In prehistoric and ancient times there was no infrastructure that would turn the bay into a real port, but the surroundings were inhabited. Kuje has been mentioned as a settlement and a port in written sources several times since the end of the 12th century: Cuvis (1197), Cuve (1372, 1452, 1472) and Cue (1636).

Source: Ližnjanski zbornik (Ližnjan's Chronicle)


For Accommodation Owners

For boaters

Vacation Houses or Apartments

Tourist office

Ližnjan Tourist Board

Krasa 7
52204 Ližnjan
Tel: +385 52 578 426

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