Only a kilometre away from the sea, near the centre of Ližnjan, there are tennis courts of the Ližnjan Tennis Club.

Those who wish to practice this sport on their holiday in the Municipality of Ližnjan have four clay courts at their disposal, and those who enjoy night sessions will be able to play on two lighted courts. Ližnjan Tennis Club organizes tennis schools for beginners and various tournaments and meetings. The club area offers locker rooms and showers, as well as the possibility to relax on the terrace with a barbecue area.

Tennis courts Ližnjan
Palera 1, HR-52204 Ližnjan
T/F: +385 (0)52 578 007
M: +385 (0)91 170 4549
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Number and type of court:
4 clay courts + with illumination on 2
Distance from the centre: 200 m cca
Distance from the sea: 900 m cca


For Accommodation Owners

For boaters

Vacation Houses or Apartments

Tourist office

Ližnjan Tourist Board

Krasa 7
52204 Ližnjan
Tel: +385 52 578 426

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