Jadreški ( Italian Giadreschi), a settlement 5 km north-east from Pula, south of the Pula airport. It was founded by the fugitive settlers from the hinterland of Zadar ( ladera), at the end of the 16th century. In 1580 even fugitives from Cyprus settled here.

In the archives we find it as Giadrescovo. There is evidence that even earlier, in Roman times or in the early Middle Ages, here existed a settlement, which between 13th and 16th century, was abandoned in the aftermath of war plunder, devastation, shortages and disease outbreak.

A doctor,  Bernardo Schiavuzzi, recorded that this settlement was called  Lussàn or Lussanum whereas an Istrian historian  Camillo De Franceschi assumed that the settlement was not at the place of today's settlement Jadreški but in its close vicinity and that it should be searched in the ruins of the Marlera settlements, which was somewhat southwards of the mentioned settlement. Its inhabitants depended on agriculture, wine growing and cattle farming.

At the beginning of the 20th century, ( according to the population census from 31 December 1910)  there were 323 people living in 53 family houses. Based on the language of communication they were all Croats. With the outbreak of World War I, at the time when the Kingdom of Italy was about to declare war on the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, after the announcment of 6 August 1914, at the command  of the fortification Commissioner of the Marine Fortress Pula, from 17 May 1915 the  inhabitants were forced to leave their homes and flee the country.

After they had handed in their cattle, upon showing their documents to a military commissioner, they were gathered in Škatari, from where they were taken to Pula by the military forces. From Pula train station, in freight cars, ( like other war fugitives -Kriegsflühtlinger from the south of Istria) they were transported passing through Divača- Ljubljana – Ptuj – Maribor to the refugees camp (Barackenlager Wagna) near to Leibnitz.

From Leibnitz people were first transported to the teritory of south Hungary and in mid-August 1915 were moved to a camp Gmünd and Steinklamm ( today Federal state of Lower Austria). In the exile 55 inhabitants of the village Jadreški died, of which 45 children. Small groups of people returned to their homes during February, March and April in 1918. During World War I,  there were only nine families left ( two families Jadreško, two families Peršić, one Božić, Ujčić, Čalić, Damjanić and Vitasović.) in Jadreški. These were the ones who could provide food and firewood for the next 90 days and were able to make their own provisions.

In World War II after the capitulation of the Kingdom of Italy, 8 September 1943, in the vicinity of the village, in the forest of Magran, the first rebels' base was founded to which military equipment, weapons and ammunition were delivered from the fortresses Turtijan and Kaštijun enabling the constitutuion of Partisan military forces.

During a violent scouting by the German military forces on 17 September 1943, after a tip-off, they established an armed contact with the rebels, suffered larger human losses while the rebels withdrew towards Kuići and Pavičini. Others, a smaller part of the German military, set seven houses on fire and more farm buildings, whose owners were National Liberation Movement (NOP) activists.

In the front yard of the family Jadreško, brothers Miho and Blaž and their worker Anton Komparić were shot dead. During World War II 29 people from the village Jadreški lost their lives.

(source:  http://liznjan.hr, text written by Davor Mandić)

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